What is Primary Food?

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Today I want to share the idea of primary and secondary foods. This is a concept that I learned in my health coaching course through the Integrative Institute of Nutrition and I love it!

Primary foods are things in our lives that feed us but do not come on a plate. Primary foods include things that feed our souls: a meaningful spiritual practice, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity, a loving relationship. When your primary food is full, you thrive – actual food is important but stays secondary, providing support to be healthy and do the things you love.

I still believe that, as the saying goes, we are what we eat. And this idea of primary foods does not downplay how important it is to know what’s in our food, where it comes from and from being conscious about what we put into and on our bodies. But true wellness is always more than just about food. If you are missing something in your primary foods, it will show up in your habits, your food choices and how you treat yourself in general.

Today I invite you to consider these areas of your life and reflect on your level of satisfaction with each one: Relationships, Education, Finance, Career, Health, Home Environment, Joy, Creativity, Social Life, and Spirituality.

Looking at these areas can give you insight of the over all balance of your life and show you where you might be using secondary food or unhealthy habits as a way to fill a void.

What small steps can you take this week to move you closer towards satisfaction in each primary food area ?


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