What does it mean to live a joy-inspired life?
For me, a joy-inspired life is living a fulfilling life while also living on purpose. It is a life built upon moments that bring happiness and satisfaction and ease. It means being clear on what I want and being more intentional with my choices and actions.
When we live inspired by joy, we become co-creators of our lives. Learning to tune in to how we feel, provides a compass to guide us to where we want to go.
I have strayed off my joyful path many a time in my life. I know this because I usually begin to feel uneasy or unsure about the choices I’m making. I start to worry and get anxious. Life will feel like more of a struggle. This is a sign!
A joy-inspired life feels satisfying and fulfilling. A joy-inspired life is creative and playful. It means prioritizing time for fun and feeling good. A joy-inspired life is empowering. It is living from a place of wholeness.
A joy-inspired life is not always easy or full of rainbows and butterflies! There will be times of confusion, going against the grain, and disrupting the status quo. It takes courage, knowing your true self, and feeling worthy of your joy in order to live it. It means taking responsibility for choices you’ve made and showing compassion to yourself when you make mistakes.
So, how do we do this?
A good place to begin is to slow down and quiet your mind so that you can hear the whispers of your intuition. This might look like a meditation, a walk outside, or just sitting quietly without doing anything. Notice how your body feels and how you feel emotionally.
Gratitude practice is another way. This means taking a moment to bring to mind (or write about) someone or something you are grateful for. Think about the reasons why you appreciate this and stay in the feeling of gratitude for at least a few minutes.
Another way to live a joy-inspired life, is to add more play to your days. Figure out what makes you laugh and feel like a kid again and then go do more of that!